The Methode of Physicke

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Explore treatments for maladies of the mind by hovering over parts of the brain, or over the pictures of herbal remedies

Scroll through and tap on pictures of herbal remedies to find out how they were used to treat maladies of the mind

For Melancholy

Borage roots, flowers and syrup were thought to be effective against all kinds of longstanding 'melancholic diseases' and 'madness'.
It's still used today as a remedy for depression and premenstrual syndrome.

For Memory Loss

Sage was used to aid the memory and for 'warming and quickening of the senses'. It was also thought to treat the effects of brain hemorrhage or stroke.
In the present day, sage is still used as a treatment for depression, memory loss and Alzheimer's disease.

For Memory Loss

Rosemary was used to treat a weak memory and quicken the senses.
In Hamlet, Shakespeare wrote 'There's rosemary, that's for remembrance.'

Sage and Rosemary
For Memory Loss

Sage and rosemary were both used to aid memory and quicken the senses.
In Hamlet, Shakespeare wrote 'There's rosemary, that's for remembrance.'
Sage is used in the present day as a treatment for depression, memory loss and Alzheimer's disease.

For Pain Relief

Opium, derived from poppies, was found to induce sleep in 'the sick and the weak', or 'if the pain be wonderfully great'.
Opiates continue to be used as painkillers and anaesthetics.

For Depression, Anxiety and Nervousness

Lanvender gets its name from the Roman 'lavare'. It has been used to treat a range of maladies, including stress, anxiety, nervousness, depression, insomnia, 'falling sickness' (epilepsy), fainting, motion sickness, headaches and migraines.
It continues to be commonly used for aromatherapy and as a disinfectant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

For Hearing

Applying marjoram to the ears was advised to ease pain and 'singing noises' in them, as well as treating deafness
Marjoram is still used today to treat deafness and tinnitus, due to its property of improving blood circulation to the ears.

Valerian Root
For Sleep

Valerian root has been used from Roman times to the present day as a treatment for insomnia.

For Lethargy

Pellitory was recommended for lethargy and 'dead sleep' (coma).

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